====== Irssi ======
===== IRC and IRSSI - Internet Chat (Client) =====
To startup IRSSI and connect to an IRC server:
irssi -c servername
To list available channels to join - type:
/list ('-yes' may be required)
/join #foobar (joins the foobar channel)
/w (shows who's who)
To type in Actions, e.g. "* steviewdr waves goodbye"
/me message_or_action
To change your Name/Nickname, e.g. steviewdr|gone
/nick steviewdr|gone
To send a Private Message to a person:
/msg steviewdr Hi!
To set a LOG of Discussion:
/log open -targets #channel_name logfilename (puts logfile.. in home dir)
To view Private Messages:
ALT + # No. of Window
/window #no.
To Mark yourself as Away/Back:
/away give_a_reason_here //marks you as away. You need to give a reason etc. after /away
/away // /away on its own marks you back. Do a /w to see if your G (gone) or H (active)
To Grant Special Ops etc. to a person:
/mode #channel +v nick
To Close one particular Channel/Window:
===== NickServ =====
/msg nickserv register YOURPASSWORD YOUREMAIL
#more op commands to me.
You will receive a password and/or get emailed a password. Once confirmed, normal login will require you to:
/msg NickServ IDENTIFY password
#and you should be authed and logged in.
Information got from this VERY good page:
===== Auth, Opers =====
Some irc commands in irssi won't work. E.g.:
16:59 -!- Irssi: Unknown command: mkpasswd
/quote mkpasswd sha256 test
Also, a community I am part of setup: InspIRCd. To add a username to opers: either edit /usr/local/inspircd/conf/opers.conf or if its setup add it to the MySQL table ircd_opers.
mysql> select * from ircd_opers;
| id | username | password | hostname | type |
| 1 | steviewdr | createthishash as above | * | GlobalOp |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Then irc in and go:
/oper steviewdr
#and you will be prompted for the password.
Cheers daniel.
===== irssi config =====
The default irssi config is at /home/user/.irssi/config.
When someone goes:
[[#chat]] nick: ping
#by default irssi will send a bell and trigger the away log.
To add any keyword as a "hilight":
/hilight nick
/hilight keyword
#Then to save the config directly from irssi go:
FYI, the line it appends to the irssi config is:
hilights = ( { text = "keyword2hilight"; nick = "yes"; word = "yes"; } );