====== Quota ====== ===== Quota for Disk Space Usage ===== To prevent users from filling up the hard disk - quotas are needed. It can be done on a user or group level. The group level will be chosen, although only specific users will have quotas. Here is how: 1. Edit /etc/fstab, and change
/dev/sda1 / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1
/dev/sda1 / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro,usrquota,grpquota 0 1
2. Add quota support module
modprobe quota_v2 //may give a licence warning. Warnings are logged to /var/log/dmesg echo 'quota_v2' >> /etc/modules 3. Put the quota scripts in a suitable place: touch /home/aquota.user touch /home/aquota.group chmod 600 /home/aquota.user /home/aquota.group 4. Now install quota via apt: apt-get install quota quotatool 5. REBOOT //Quota should be working afterwards. Type quota - to see a users quota 6. To set the soft limits to 200Mb and the hard limit to 250Mb for a user called testuser you would run: quotatool -u testuser -bq 200M -l '250 Mb' /dev/sda1 The user will be emailed daily if they have exceeded their soft limit. The cronjob for this is in /etc/cron.daily Root can see who is using what by running: repquota /dev/sda1 ---- As ever - excellent help from debian administration at:
http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/47 http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/Webmin.htm