====== Rsync ====== Syntax: rsync -ave ssh user@server:source destination Example: rsync -ave ssh user@server:/home/steviewdr/public_html /home/steviewdr/ #or rsync -ave "ssh -p 2222" /home/user/folder/ username@remotedestinationserver:/home/user/folder/ ====== Scenario - Migrating MySQL Server ====== Recently migrating a MySQL Server. We had a new one setup. There was ~8GB of data in /var/lib/mysql needing to be sync'd. Option A: shutdown mysql and copy across /var/lib/mysql Option B: Use rsync to sync the data. That way, downtime would only take 1-2 minutes (to resync latest modified files etc. ===== rsync switches used for sync ===== #ssh into current mysql server, and run: rsync -avPin --delete /var/lib/mysql newhost:/var/lib/ a = archive (equals -rlptgoD for recursive, group, owner, permissions etc.) v = verbose P = progress i = itemise changes n = dry run (remove the n, for the proper run) --delete = delete files on target, which were deleted on host since last run. After than runs. Stop MySQLd on current server, and run the same rsync again.