====== Setup_of_Windows_Server_2008_Guest_on_KVM ====== If you followed the setup of the KVM host at [[KVM_Setup_on_Debian_Squeeze]] you will notice that we are using libvirt to manage and control KVM. You should also have a Linux Virtual Machine setup using virt-install. This is required, as we are going to copy its libvirt xml config, edit it and then save it and create our own config for this Windows VM. I place all ISOs on the KVM host at: /srv/os-images/ In the config below I add in the config to provide a boot menu allowing me to boot from the HD or CDROM at a later date (see: [[Provide_Boot_Menu_options_for_VMs_accessible_using_VNC]] ) lvcreate -n win01-vm --size 50g vg0 cd /etc/libvirt/qemu cp lin01-vm.xml win01-vm.xml vi win01-vm When editing the copy of the xml config, we need to remove any UUID, MAC address and/or unique identifiers. The config below uses br1 bridge which is on a range. I am not using virtio for the Windows VM (at this stage). win01-vm 524288 524288 1 hvm destroy restart restart /usr/bin/kvm Once the config is edited, we need to define it, look at the resulting completed config and then start the VM. virsh define win01-vm.xml vi win01-vm.xml #You will notice extra uuid's and mac address added in. virsh list --all virsh start win01-vm The vm will now start. Connect using VNC. You can right-click on the VNC window titlebar, send a CTRL+ALT+DELETE to reboot and then press F12 to see the boot bios. ===== Server 2008 Core Install ===== Note: a server core install of windows server 2008 is a minimal install of ~2-3gb with only a command line interface. You can download the installation guide at: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=518d870c-fa3e-4f6a-97f5-acaf31de6dce&DisplayLang=en and read more info at: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc753802(WS.10).aspx