====== Sshfs ====== = sshfs - Mount a remote directory locally over ssh = In case you dont have samba on your remove server, in which case you could use [[smbmount]], there is sshfs which will allow you to mount directory on a remote server over ssh. ====== Install ====== apt-get install sshfs modprobe fuse //if modprobe doesnt work - see below //You may have to add "fuse" into /etc/modules //by default for security reasons users cannot execute fusermount. Add select ones into the group fuse: adduser username fuse //the user may have to logout and log back in for the group permission to be picked up. ====== Syntax for Mounting ====== sshfs user@remote.server.com: /home/user/remotefolder ===== Mounting Problems & Ownership ===== If your UID is different on the remote box, you might not have permissions to read or write to the locally mounted folder. The following should work, but didnt :-/ sshfs -o uid=500,gid=500 me@myserver:/home/me /local/mount Other things to try are shfsmount. Install it with apt-get install shfs-utils. It didnt work very far for me. Will get back to it again another time. ====== Syntax for UnMounting ====== fusermount -u /home/user/remotefolder //logging out will also disconnect the remotefolder. It hung/didnt work for me however. ====== modprobe issues ====== If you are using a 2.4 kernel or something else, in which case the following returns a "Not found": modprobe fuse The following steps need to be carried out: apt-get install module-assistant apt-get install fuse-source cd /usr/src m-a prepare m-a a-i fuse depmod -ae $(uname -r) modprobe fuse The above should add in the module fuse which is required. You may have to add "fuse" into /etc/modules ====== Update on sshfs ====== So I needed to use sshfs there recently. I was using debian lenny with a 2.6.26 kernel. All worked lovely. I had to add the option -o allow_others and then it worked a little better for what I was trying to do. http://www.debianadmin.com/mount-a-remote-file-system-through-ssh-using-sshfs.html ====== Links ====== http://opensource.weblogsinc.com/2005/11/03/mount-remote-drives-via-ssh-with-sshfs/ http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/debian-linux-help/65233-fuse-modprobe-help.html http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/10/28/how-to-mount-a-remote-ssh-filesystem-using-sshfs/