====== Vnstat ======
= vnstat - Network Traffic Logger and Monitor =
vnstat keeps a daily log of network traffic for a specific device (eth0). Information is simply taken from /proc every 5 minutes via cron vnstatd daemon and saved to /var/lib/vnstat
What is good about vnstat, unlike munin or mrtg, is that **vnstat keeps an accurate and numerical account of all network traffic**. This is extremely useful if you have to watch bandwidth usage!!
===== Install and Config vnstat =====
apt-get install vnstat
#check in /etc/cron.d/ for vnstat
#You may get the error:
Starting vnStat daemon: vnstatdZero database found, exiting
#check for the current network interface been used.
#if its the first time running vnstat, it will tell you to config vnstat to use an interface.
#The following is the syntax used to monitor an interface:
vnstat -u -i eth0
/etc/init.d/vnstat start
===== Check Network Traffic and Bandwidth Used =====
vnstat #With no options, shows the totals.
vnstat -h #Show traffic for the last 24 hours.
vnstat -d #Show traffic for days.
vnstat -t #Show all time top10 traffic days.
vnsatt -w #Show traffic for 7 days.
vnstat -m #Show traffic for months.
vnstat -tr #Show an immediate, real time sample, over a period of 5 (default if no number is given) seconds.