= FFMPEG - Video Editing Application =
apt-get install ffmpeg
This above step will install ffmpeg and only the basic codecs. Note: the mp3 audio codec is missing from the package above.
I suggest you add the following to your /etc/apt/sources.list: vi /etc/apt/sources.list deb http://www.debian-multimedia.org stable main apt-get update apt-get install ffmpeg
ffmpeg -i MOV02780.MPG -acodec mp3 -ab 64 -ar 22050 -s 640×480 -b 350000 -r 4 -deinterlace MOV02780.flv
# It was a balance between how many frames to show, and at what quality to show them. # The above shows frames quite slow at: ~35fps (-r 4), and reasonable quality (-b 350000). # If the frame rate above was increased leaving bitrate (b), more discrepencies would be shown up!!
ffmpeg -i MOV03669.MPG -an -s 640×480 -b 600000 -r 6 -deinterlace MOV03669.flv #better quality and smoother and no sound
ffmpeg -i MOV02780.MPG -acodec mp3 -ab 64 -ar 22050 -s 640×480 -b 400000 -r 1 -deinterlace MOV02780.flv
-r 1 #puts frame rate at ~10fps #The video was very jumpy. The quality was good, but it was jumping from frame to frame. The audio was fine and played away/
-r 3 # ~25fps
Simply: ffmpeg -i /tmp/songin.mp3 -acodec mp3 -ab 8k /tmp/songout.mp3
http://gallery.menalto.com/node/63158 ffmpeg -i MOV02780.MPG -f flv -vcodec flv -acodec mp3 -ab 64 -ar 22050 -s 640×480 -deinterlace MOV02780.flv
http://lists.mplayerhq.hu/pipermail/ffmpeg-user/2005-November/001498.html ffmpeg -i movie.mpg -ar 22050 -ab 32 -f flv -s 320×240 -aspect 4:3 -y movie.flv
http://luar.com.hk/blog/?p=670 ffmpeg -i video.avi -ar 22050 -ab 32 -f flv -s 320×240 video.flv
http://parallaxed.net/article/convert-to-flv-flash-video-with-ffmpeg ffmpeg -i someVideo.avi -o -f flv -b 200000 someVideo.flv
http://www.philroche.net/archives/halfviking-gets-videos/ ffmpeg.exe -i 'video.avi' -y -ab 64 -ar 22050 -b 200 -r 25 -s 650*450 'video.flv'