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= Installing and Setting up Procmail =

Installing procmail is easy.

apt-get install procmail

Config Procmail and Postfix

With my setup of Postfix as described here, I needed to tell postfix to hand off emails to procmail which then delivers to local users along with checking of a users .procmailrc file in their home directory. The following line in /etc/postfix/ took care of it nicely. There are other ways - however this was the first to work. vi /etc/postfix/

mailbox_command = /usr/bin/procmail -a “$EXTENSION” DEFAULT=$HOME/Maildir/ MAILDIR=$HOME/Maildir

The above hands off emails to procmail via Maildir.

Alternative config for Procmail and Postfix (not tested) vi /etc/postfix/ mailbox_command = /usr/bin/procmail -a “$EXTENSION”

vi /etc/procmailrc DEFAULT=$HOME/Maildir/ MAILDIR=$HOME/Maildir

More info at: