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Configure Apt Sources

vi /etc/apt/sources.list

#Include the following: deb stable main deb stable/updates main


apt-get update apt-get dist-upgrade

//if anything breaks on dist-upgrade, do: apt-get -f dist-upgrade

Possible Problems

Apt-get dist-upgrade may break if there are problems with some packages, including overwriting etc. In these cases, try to manually remove the package at fault. A dependant package may show, and it can be removed. Remove packages with: apt-get remove package //or to remove: dpkg -r package //or to remove and purge: dpkg -P package

Thats it. Keep fingers crossed and have some time to spare. Keep note of packages you remove manually.

how_to_upgrade_sarge_to_etch_via_apt.1658260370.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/07/19 21:13 (external edit)