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TAR - Archive Utility

Tar up specific files or folders: tar -cvf <destination.tar> files

Tar up all files and folders (full stop implies all): tar -cvf <destination.tar> .

Once tar'ed up - gzip them: gzip <destination.tar>

UnTar Files and Folders (be very careful - you dont know where files will untar to!!): tar -xvf file.tar

List files in a TAR (only works with uncompressed tar's) tar -tf file.tar

Uncompress a SINGLE file tar -x exact/file/as/listed_in_tar_file -f file.tar //should replicate to path as was archived. tar -x exact/file/as/listed_in_tar_file -f file.tar -O > file_out.txt

—- Further Information at:

tar.1658261600.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/07/19 20:13 by