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Trac (interface to Subversion and integrated wiki) and SVN (subversion)

Trac is an enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects. It provides a Graphical front end to SVN where diffs in files can be obtained. It cannot update the SVN repository. It simply provides a Project Management interface, wiki, ticketing system, and SVN front end.

SVN is a free/open-source Version Control System. Subversion (SVN) manages files and directories over time. Files are placed into a central repository and every change every made to the files or directories are remembered. If you are not familiar with SVN - then the following PDF document is a DEFINATE MUST:

Install SVN + Trac Software on Debian Sarge / SID

apt-get install apache2 apt-get install subversion apt-get install libapache2-svn apt-get install trac

Get SVN Working

mkdir /var/lib/svn mkdir /var/lib/svn/projectname svnadmin create /var/lib/svn/projectname –fs-type fsfs chown -R www-data /var/lib/svn/projectname chgrp -R www-data /var/lib/svn/projectname

In order to keep all SVN + apache2 configs together the following steps were carried out: mkdir /etc/apache2/svn vi /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

                            #Include Configs for Svn:
                            Include /etc/apache2/svn/[[^.#]]*

vi /etc/apache2/svn/projectname

                            <Location /svn/projectname>
                            DAV svn
                            SVNPath /var/lib/svn/projectname
                            AuthType Basic
                            AuthName "Subversion Repository - Projectname"
                            AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/svn/.htpasswd
                            <LimitExcept GET PROPFIND OPTIONS REPORT>
                                    Require valid-user

htpasswd2 -c .htpasswd username SVN should be all working now. If you go to http://host/svn/projectname you should see all there.

Get TRAC Working

It is best if trac is installed into a User's home directory, e.g. /home/user trac-admin /home/user/projectname initenv //enter data for the title //enter data for the sql-lite database (choose defaults) //enter path to svn info ( /var/lib/svn/projectname ) //enter path to Trac template (choose default)

trac-admin /home/username/projectname/ permission add username MILESTONE_ADMIN REPORT_ADMIN ROADMAP_ADMIN TICKET_ADMIN TRAC_ADMIN //should work fine.

chmod -R username:group /home/username/projectname chgrp -R www-data /home/username/projectname/db chmod -R 775 /home/username/projectname/db

mkdir -p /home/username/public_html/projectname vi /home/username/public_html/projectname/.htaccess //not necessary, but useful for images/downloads etc.

vi /etc/apache2/svn/projectname //add the content below it the end.

                                                    ScriptAlias /~username/projectname /usr/share/trac/cgi-bin/trac.cgi
                                                    <Location "/~username/projectname">
                                                    SetEnv TRAC_ENV "/home/username/projectname"
                                                    <Location "/~username/projectname/login">
                                                    AuthType Basic
                                                    AuthName "Trac Login for Projectname Website"
                                                    AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/svn/.htpasswd
                                                    Require valid-user

Trac on Debian Lenny

Delete a TRAC & SVN Account

Things to delete: rm -R /var/lib/svn/projectname rm /etc/apache2/svn/projectname rm -R /home/username/projectname rm -R /home/username/public_html/projectname //if exists

Add a TRAC & SVN Account

Sorry if this repetitive of above. svnadmin create /var/lib/svn/projectname –fs-type fsfs chown -R www-data:www-data /var/lib/svn/projectname trac-admin /home/user/projectname initenv trac-admin /home/username/projectname/ permission add username MILESTONE_ADMIN REPORT_ADMIN ROADMAP_ADMIN TICKET_ADMIN TRAC_ADMIN chown -R username:group /home/username/projectname chgrp -R www-data /home/username/projectname/db chmod -R 775 /home/username/projectname/db

vi /etc/apache2/svn/projectname <Location /svn/projectname> DAV svn SVNPath /var/lib/svn/projectname

AuthType Basic AuthName “Subversion Repository - Projectname” AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/svn/.htpasswd


       Require valid-user

</LimitExcept> </Location>

ScriptAlias /~username/projectname /usr/share/trac/cgi-bin/trac.cgi <Location “/~username/projectname”> SetEnv TRAC_ENV “/home/username/projectname” </Location>

<Location “/~username/projectname/login”> SSLRequireSSL AuthType Basic AuthName “Trac Login for Projectname Website” AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/svn/.htpasswd Require valid-user </Location>

/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Wipe a SVN repo and update Trac

If you want to wipe a svn repo - if it got corrupt or if something happened, AND you want to keep trac etc. you need to do the following: rm /var/lib/svn/projectname /var/lib/svn/projectname //chown and reset permissions as covered previously Trac then will give the following error: “The 'repository_dir' has changed, a 'trac-admin resync' operation is needed”. Here is what to do: trac-admin /home/username/projectname resync Hope that works ok for you. Info:

Click here for [[Using Trac & Svn]]

Errors and Problems with Trac

After upgrading python2.3 to python2.4 (among other things) on the compsoc server, trac got itself broken. The errors I was getting were: “file is encrypted or is not a database” and “clearsilver not installed etc.”

1. Check that: /usr/bin/python is symlinked to: python2.4

2. Check that sqlite is installed. It is quite possible that only sqlite3 is installed, hence giving the above problems. 3. This might solve some issues. If it doesnt: cd /project/trac/db cd /var/site/ mv trac.db trac2.db sqlite trac2.db .dump | sqlite3 trac.db trac-admin trac upgrade trac-admin trac resync

More info on this error can be found at:

Information Used:

Skynet Configs.

trac_and_svn.1658260370.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/07/19 20:13 (external edit)