

4th Dec 2006 Xen Report

Today after trying to kill a vnc session vncserver -kill :1

The domU hung at 99.9% cpu (which was seen using xm top on dom0. After waiting a nice few minutes to see if it'd sort itself out - it didnt :-/, nor did it let me login via xm console. I then proceeded to: xm shutdown domU_name and gave it the usual few minutes. I then do xm list - it now reports:

Zombie-domU_name and listed the stats.

xm destroy domU_name returned - invalid integer. This was probably because the dying domain was named to Zombie-domU. Investigations on google led me to:

I didnt really want to reboot dom0. I then read that even though xm list and xm top reported the Zombie domU using memory etc - it wasn't. I said feic it - i'll start up domU_name again and see. xm create domU_name it booted up fine. xm list still shows: Zombie-domU_name 3 360 1 —s-d 32864.8 xm top shows:

        ds----      32864    0.0          8    0.0     368640      35.2     1    1  4194300   663412    0

I checked for errors in /var/log and I got the following in /var/log/xend.log 17:57:55 xend.XendDomainInfo DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:877) XendDomainInfo.handleShutdownWatch 17:58:25 xend.XendDomainInfo INFO (XendDomainInfo:867) Domain shutdown timeout expired: name=domU_name id=6 17:58:25 xend.XendDomainInfo DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1327) XendDomainInfo.destroy: domid=6 17:58:25 xend.XendDomainInfo DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1335) XendDomainInfo.destroyDomain(6) 18:07:31 xend.XendDomainInfo DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:178) XendDomainInfo.create(['name', 'domU_name... Anyways - thats how that ended up. I'll schedule a reboot for dom0 later on. ====== 08th Jan 2007 Xen Report ====== Seems today that the same above box encountered another problem. This time - eth0 crashed. After transferring a substantial amount of network data, the server dropped off the network. Going in via "xm console vm" I noticed that there was no connectivity. There was still a lot of netstats -n but they were all TIME_WAIT. I decided to restart eth0: ifdown -a ifup -a I got an error after trying to bring up eth0 saying: eth0: full queue wasn't stopped! eth0 wouldn't come back. I gave it a few minutes - same error. I decided to do a reboot. The virtual machine hung on reboot using 99% of cpu as identified via "xm top". After another few minutes - I decided to "xm shutdown domain" - to no avail. I done a "xm destroy domain" which put it as a Zombie - freeing up memory. I managed to get the machine back up working. Other posts and info I found on it: <br> <br> <br> Will see how it goes. Might try and take a look into it again when I have time. ---- ====== 16th Jan 2007 Xen Report ====== The same problem as occurred on 08th Jan, 2007 happenned again, so I decided to investigate, and replicate on a different domU. Here is some background info firstly: debian-host:~# uptime 12:48:19 up 99 days, 7:34, 1 user, load average: 0.09, 0.04, 0.07 xentop - 12:39:16 Xen 3.0.2-3 7 domains: 1 running, 3 blocked, 0 paused, 0 crashed, 1 dying, 2 shutdown Mem: 1047100k total, 845988k used, 201112k free CPUs: 1 @ 2199MHz NAME STATE CPU(sec) CPU(%) MEM(k) MEM(%) MAXMEM(k) MAXMEM(%) VCPUS NETS NETTX(k) NETRX(k) SSID ds---- 32864 0.0 8 0.0 368640 35.2 1 1 4194300 663412 0 d----- 18091 0.0 8 0.0 368640 35.2 1 1 4194302 3409952 0 ds---- 3208 0.0 8 0.0 368640 35.2 1 1 4194303 964721 0 vm01 --b--- 134757 0.1 196404 18.8 196608 18.8 1 1 2094927 3453699 0 Domain-0 -----r 34787 0.2 128008 12.2 no limit n/a 1 8 881476 420902 0 vm03 --b--- 32980 0.2 130920 12.5 131072 12.5 1 1 **4194303** 2185961 0 vm02 --b--- 178 0.0 368492 35.2 368640 35.2 1 1 **4194303** 91375 0 The dying or zombie domU's are from previous domU crashes as described further above.<br> vm02 and vm03 have no network connectivity. eth0 is crashed/hung etc. Notice also (in bold) that the NETTX(k) is **4194303**, and is common. Once the NETTX(k) reaches this figure of 4194303, eth0 on the domU dies/hangs. xentop - 12:44:01 Xen 3.0.2-3 7 domains: 1 running, 3 blocked, 0 paused, 0 crashed, 1 dying, 2 shutdown Mem: 1047100k total, 846180k used, 200920k free CPUs: 1 @ 2199MHz NAME STATE CPU(sec) CPU(%) MEM(k) MEM(%) MAXMEM(k) MAXMEM(%) VCPUS NETS NETTX(k) NETRX(k) SSID ds---- 32864 0.0 8 0.0 368640 35.2 1 1 4194300 663412 0 Net0 RX: 679333888bytes 21266499pkts 0err 1237drop TX: 4294963680bytes 19848474pkts 0err 0drop d----- 18091 0.0 8 0.0 368640 35.2 1 1 4194302 3409952 0 Net0 RX: 3491791700bytes 9120614pkts 0err 1028drop TX: 4294966008bytes 7097985pkts 0err 0drop ds---- 3208 0.0 8 0.0 368640 35.2 1 1 4194303 964721 0 Net0 RX: 987874486bytes 2811437pkts 0err 64drop TX: 4294966748bytes 3853122pkts 0err 0drop vm01 --b--- 134761 0.1 196476 18.8 196608 18.8 1 1 2095216 3454209 0 Net0 RX: 3537110202bytes 35480426pkts 0err 20drop TX: 2145501552bytes 42044159pkts 0err 0drop Domain-0 -----r 34788 0.2 128040 12.2 no limit n/a 1 8 881695 421244 0 Net0 RX: 431354279bytes 5498978pkts 0err 0drop TX: 902856133bytes 3528712pkts 0err 0drop Net1 RX: 0bytes 0pkts 0err 0drop TX: 0bytes 0pkts 0err 0drop Net2 RX: 0bytes 0pkts 0err 0drop TX: 0bytes 0pkts 0err 0drop Net3 RX: 0bytes 0pkts 0err 0drop TX: 0bytes 0pkts 0err 0drop Net4 RX: 0bytes 0pkts 0err 0drop TX: 0bytes 0pkts 0err 0drop Net5 RX: 0bytes 0pkts 0err 0drop TX: 0bytes 0pkts 0err 0drop Net6 RX: 0bytes 0pkts 0err 0drop TX: 0bytes 0pkts 0err 0drop Net7 RX: 0bytes 0pkts 0err 0drop TX: 0bytes 0pkts 0err 0drop vm03 --b--- 32981 0.2 130860 12.5 131072 12.5 1 1 4194303 2186204 0 Net0 RX: 2238673582bytes 7363366pkts 0err 324drop TX: **4294966953bytes** 6500733pkts 0err 0drop vm02 --b--- 179 0.0 368640 35.2 368640 35.2 1 1 4194303 91568 0 Net0 RX: 93766088bytes 1224399pkts 0err 672drop TX: **4294966578bytes** 2890778pkts 0err 0drop The above shows the Network information within xm top. Definately there is a problem when the NETTX(k) reaches 4194303kb or 4294966953bytes. Lets look at some other information: debian-host:~# ifconfig -s Iface MTU Met RX-OK RX-ERR RX-DRP RX-OVR TX-OK TX-ERR TX-DRP TX-OVR Flg eth0 1500 0 5503676 0 0 0 3530737 0 0 0 BMRU lo 16436 0 56 0 0 0 56 0 0 0 LRU peth0 1500 0 71877410 0 0 078077723 0 0 0 BMORU vif0. 1500 0 3530737 0 0 0 5503687 0 0 0 BMRU vif4. 1500 0 42047643 0 0 035486757 0 28 0 BMRU vif5. 1500 0 6500733 0 0 0 7366281 0 372 0 BMRU vif9. 1500 0 2890778 0 0 0 1224399 0 3635 0 BMRU xenbr 1500 0 944793 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 BMRU There doesnt appear to be too much of benefit in the above. Lets move on and look at the ifconfig -s of the domU's where eth0 crashed: vm02:~# uptime 12:41:26 up 17:58, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 vm02:~# ifconfig -s Iface MTU Met RX-OK RX-ERR RX-DRP RX-OVR TX-OK TX-ERR TX-DRP TX-OVR Flg eth0 1500 0 1222745 0 0 0 2891034 0 0 0 BMRU lo 16436 0 2241 0 0 0 2241 0 0 0 LRU vm03:~# uptime 12:47:20 up 87 days, 21:45, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.09, 0.27 vm03:~# ifconfig -s Iface MTU Met RX-OK RX-ERR RX-DRP RX-OVR TX-OK TX-ERR TX-DRP TX-OVR Flg eth0 1500 0 7365681 0 0 0 6500989 0 0 0 BMRU lo 16436 0 6873 0 0 0 6873 0 0 0 LRU Nothing appears out of the ordinary.<br> What I cant figure out is:<br> **Is TX-OK (as in ifconfig -s on domU) meant to match with NETTX(k) (as in xm top for that domU)??** The other vm01 runs fine and has the following information: vm01:~# uptime 12:49:46 up 91 days, 22:07, 5 users, load average: 0.00, 0.03, 0.04 vm01:~# ifconfig -s Iface MTU Met RX-OK RX-ERR RX-DRP RX-OVR TX-OK TX-ERR TX-DRP TX-OVR Flg eth0 1500 0 35488893 0 0 042048148 0 0 0 BMRU lo 16436 0 14006676 0 0 014006676 0 0 0 LRU ===== Conclusion to eth0 Crash/Hang at 4gb TX ===== If the counter NETTX(k) as given in xm top, reaches 4194303, eth0 on that vm dies. This NETTX(k) does not seem to correlate with TX-OK as given in ifconfig -s on domU. Does NETTX(k) as given in xm top, flush itself every so often? It does appear to be an incremental counter, however may reset or flush itself over a given period of time. If however a total of 4gb are downloaded from the domU in a short space of time (1-2hours), this NETTX(k) does not reset, reaches 4194303, and eth0 dies.<br> I do realise that I am using Xen 3.0.2-3, which is not the current one. Xen 3.0.3 did not want to work with my SATA controller as far as I can remember. Currently the 3.0.2-3 I am using is from Debian Backports. When Debian Etch is finally released, I may convert over all. Oh - also - the Exact same problem is described here:<br> Email be at: sburke [at if you have any heads-up. Thanks. -steve

24th April 2007 Xen Report

I installed Xen from Debian Etch. The 4gb problem is now fixed - Excellent. A huge thanks to the folks at Xen and Debian.

The how-to install Xen with Debian Etch is here: Debian Etch Xen Install

I tested the 4gb problem out. It was interesting watching the NETTX via “xm top”. It hit 4GB, but instead of hanging etc. it reset itself back to 0 and started counting up again. There was a slight delay between NETTX hitting 4GB and the counter resetting to 0, but it worked seamlessly.

Note the Xen Kernel I am using with Debian Etch is: Xen 3.0.3-1 via linux-image-2.6-xen-686 kernel.

30th May 2007 - Xen Update

I recieved an email today from someone who experienced the same “eth0 Crash/Hang at 4gb TX” problem“. They reported that this problem occurred for both Xen-3.0.2/Sarge and Xen-3.0.3/Etch!! Although I have tested Etch and Xen 3.0.3 using the methods previously described, thankfully, I have not experienced the same problem.

Patrik did however outline a temporary solution which worked. The details of which are: ethtool -K eth0 tx off #run the above on the domU The original link/thread can be found here:

Hopefully, someone will find the above solution useful.

03rd October 2009

Xen is performing very well. Don't have much time to experiment these days. Anyways, the network lock-up happend on my own VM's. They were up and running fine for around 220 days, and then all of a sudden dropped off the net. Nagios informed me quickly. I had a VM running for a friend who had services running, and no init scripts (which I mentioned to him on several occasions to write). Anyways, instead of rebooting his VM, the following worked sweet as: xm save vm-name /tmp/name-of-vm xm list #vm was taken down and saved. The size of the checkfile saved was the ram of the vm. xm restore /tmp/name-of-vm Happy Days. I must see if this will work across reboots of dom0.

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