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= Server set-up and Associated Details=



All these services are based on a Debian base install using the current stable Debian Sarge, unless specifically stated otherwise. Similiarly, all these services are installed from Debian Packages from the Stable Repository using APT, unless specifically stated otherwise. It may be the case that the order of installation, or sequence of installing various packages may change, however APT & Debian Packages will take care of *any* dependencies.

A Service is typically one which typically requires ROOT permission to install, runs as a Special User on the server, starts up at boot time, and provides a key base service, with which applications run on top of.


An application is one which can be installed by a User with limited permissions, runs ontop of a set of required services, e.g. MySQL, PHP, and is only run when accessed/required by a user.

  1. snort Network Intrusion Detection
  2. vnstat Network Traffic Logger and Monitor
  3. planet RSS News Feed Aggregator

Typical VHOSTS

VHOSTS - Virtual Hosts, are typically Web addresses which apache handles and serves out. Virtual Hosts require a DNS entry pointing to an IP Address where Apache is located. See the example of setting up these VHOSTS in Apache.

= Virtual Server (XEN) set-up and Associated Details =

{| style=“clear:both; background:white;|-

width=“400px” style=“padding:1em; border:1px solid #A3B1BF; background-color:#EEFFEE” valign=“top”

Xen and Debian Squeeze

Setup of Xen Xen 4.0.1 on Debian Squeeze

width=“500px” valign=“top” style=“padding:1em; border:1px solid #A3B1BF; background-color:#FFEEEE”


Setup of Base Hosting Server with XEN3.0 (dom0)

There are a number of routes that can be taken when installing Xen on a Server, in order to prepare it to run Virtual Servers. These routes/options are as follows:

  1. Use Debian Etch Xen Install – The current working option with no problems.
  2. Use Debian Backports – The chosen option, as it worked with least hassle.
  3. Use Debian Testing (etch) Packages

Modify XEN (dom0): Resize Partitions, RAID1 & LVM Howto's

Create & Manage XEN Virtual Servers (domU)

Streamlining Xen

Setup of New Xen Server

Upgrade of Xen through the years

Setup of Xen 3.2 (dom0) on Debian Lenny

Xen Networking

Setup of KVM Guest VMs

Other KVM Info

= Linux Tips, Tricks & Commands to be Remembered:=

{| style=“clear:both; background:white;”

width=“50%” style=“padding:1em; border:1px solid #A3B1BF; background-color:#E6F2FF” valign=“top”

* _ alias

width=“50% valign=“top” style=“padding:1em; border:1px solid #A3B1BF; background-color:#E6F2FF”

* _ mail etc.


Tips and Tricks


Remove Management of Servers

= Upgrades and Other Installations =

Upgrading Debian Sarge to Debian Etch

Upgrading Debian Etch to Debian Lenny (5)

Upgrading Ubuntu Hardy LTS to Ubuntu Lucid LTS

Setting up a Secure and Stable Linux OS

Work for the Future:

details_installation_set-up_of_debian_based_linux_servers.1658267698.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/07/19 21:54 by admin